Thursday, March 8, 2007

Most scenic spot in Russellville!!!

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There is an area behind my house that I believe is the most scenic spot in Russellville. I hike down to the river and back quite often just for exercise and to soak up the sights overlooking the river. The photos posted above are from a bluff overlooking the Arkansas River in an area that most people will never see as it is on private property. I found this area a few years ago when I was just out wandering through the woods behind the house. There are several creeks that run through the area and some really nice waterfalls. One of these days after a good rain I will go down to the bottom of the bluff and get some photos of the falls to post here. Yesterday there was only a trickle of water running since we have not had any rain in a while. I wandered along a creek that I had not followed before. It was mostly dry except for every now and then a little water would run out from under some rocks, trickle down a few yards, and disappear again beneath the rocks in the creekbed. As the terrain started to get steeper the water reappeared and the stream got a little larger. I followed it about a half mile further till it came to the top of a bluff that I had not been to yet. The creek spills over the edge into a small pool about 50 feet below. There is also another creek about 30 yards to the left that creates an even taller waterfall. This area has lots of huge boulders, a great view out over the river with the top of Mt. Nebo sticking up on the horizon. I tried to get some good shots of the area but with my old camera and not having a wide angle lens the images just don't do the place justice. I looked for a way to get down below the bluff and there is just no way down there. I know of a spot to get down by the other waterfall that I found a few years ago and I can follow the bottom of the bluffs around to these falls. This area should make for some nice waterfall photos someday. After exploring around a bit I headed on over to the bluff in the top picture and took a few photos and sat and soaked up the sights. At one point I was sitting there and could hear a hawk down below me. I looked down and he was sitting in the top of a tree with his wings spread. By the time I went to get my camera and got back to the edge he was flying away across the river. I took a few more photos and headed back to the house to get ready for work. Man I really wish I could find someone to pay me to hike!!

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