It has been a while since I have posted anything to this site. I have been on many adventures since my last post and just never got around to posting anything. My geocaching has really kept me from going hiking as much as I should but it has also taken me to lots of new places I would have never been otherwise. I have been up on Mt Nebo many times since last spring and taken quite a few nice photos. The picture to the left is a bridge along the Summit Park Trail. This is a great trail for a good workout but it also has some beautiful things to see along the way. The trail is only 1 mile long but there is a lot of elevation gain on the way back up. I have also hiked the Rim Trail several times this year and took my new gps on my last trip and saved a track log. I will be posting the track log and some photos and trip notes on everytrail.com in the next few weeks. My intention is to post as many of our Arkansas trails as possible on the site to bring in more folks from out of state to enjoy what Arkansas has to offer.

I finally made it back down to get a few shots of the waterfall down by the river behind the house. I had been here several times since last Spring but the falls were never running enough. On this day I hiked out through almost a foot of snow to get some pictures. The waterfall was running nicely but man was it cold. I had to work that day so I was unable to follow the bottom of the bluffline around to the other two larger falls. Maybe someday I will be able to be there at the right time to get some shots of them.

Back In February I was geocaching up north of Russellville along Indian Creek and after I got up to Highway 123 I decided to make a side trip back into Pam's Grotto to get a few shots of the waterfall there. This is one of the most beautiful places in the state of Arkansas and it does not get visited very often.
I have posted a few different photos and one has myself in it to give you an idea of the height of the waterfall and overall size of the whole place.
This is just one of those magical places that photos just cannot do it justice. You really should go there in preson and enjoy the full beauty of the place.